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design by:
Jenifer Holcombe
Soykan |
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This section is dedicated to a study of the
particulars of sled history. It is a work in progress.
Flexible Flyers are the most often recognized
brand of sled. The U S Patent Office has a website that specifically
recognizes S L Allen and his patents. It can be accessed at: http://www.uspto.gov/go/kids/flexflyr.htm#this1
Sleds originally were an important transportation
tool that facilitated the movement of goods and people on frozen surfaces
where wheels often did not work. Early petitions were made to the British
to allow sliding on Beacon Hill. Later, sleds were used to transport heavy
cannon in the early years of the Revolution to oust the British from
Boston. Like many work activities, sleds became used for recreational
purposes. Sleds have been portrayed in many ways, especially in
pictures. We recently came across a Winter Sports jigsaw puzzle on a
website for a different kind of collection. The collector, Bob
Armstrong, gave
permission to use this copy of one of his many puzzles. More of his
collection can be found on his interesting website: www.oldpuzzles.com

Sports-Children Skating"
Bob Armstrong's Old Jigsaw Puzzles
Pastime Puzzles cut by Parker Brothers, Inc.,
Salem MA (1908 to 1958)
Pastime and other early cutters used prints
depicting people in Victorian style clothing with the children appearing
very "grown-up". Such prints including the one pictured made
wonderful puzzles of an era we longingly look back at over 100 years ago.
Puzzle shown has extensive color line cutting and 35 figure pieces and was
cut around 1917.
Updated September 17, 2004 |